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Writer's pictureWinston Ritson

GISV and the struggle in Africa

As a mildly-seasoned professional in the African techco space, I've seen firsthand the challenges global tech giants face when trying to make inroads into our dynamic market. While Microsoft, Amazon, and Google offer compelling cloud solutions, they often struggle to gain traction with African telcos. Here's why:

  • Complexity Overload: GISVs often present intricate programs and offerings that can overwhelm telcos. African based operators need streamlined solutions, not a labyrinth of options and features that are difficult to navigate and integrate.

  • Market Mismatch: Products designed for developed markets often don't translate seamlessly to the African context. Unique challenges like limited infrastructure, low digital literacy, and varying pricing sensitivities demand tailored solutions, not one-size-fits-all approaches.

  • Pricing Pitfalls: GISV pricing models can be out of sync with African market realities. High subscription fees or rigid payment structures can be significant barriers to adoption, especially for smaller telcos operating on thin margins.

  • Missing the Mark: Too often, GISVs offer solutions that fail to address the core needs of African telcos. Our needs are distinct. We require solutions focusing on the African SME, and customer experience tailored to our unique demographics.

The Path Forward

GISVs seeking success in Africa must shift their mindset. Here's what I recommend:

  • Simplify, Simplify, Simplify: Offer streamlined programs and solutions that are easy to understand, implement and manage. African telcos need plug-and-play solutions, not complex puzzles.

  • Localise with Purpose: Don't just repackage global products. Invest in market research and co-creation with African telcos to build solutions that address our specific pain points and customer needs.

  • Pricing for Impact: Develop flexible pricing models aligned with African market realities. Consider tiered pricing, pay-as-you-go models, and collaborative partnerships to expand reach and affordability.

  • Solve the Right Problems: Focus on the issues that matter most to African telcos. Prioritise solutions for network efficiency, seamless billing, innovative customer engagement platforms, and data analytics tailored to our markets.

The African telecom landscape is ripe with opportunity. GISVs who embrace a collaborative, market-driven approach and offer simplified, localized, and affordable solutions will stand the best chance of forging lasting and mutually beneficial partnerships with African telcos.

Let's spark a conversation! What other factors do you see hindering GISV success in Africa?

~ He who is unable to dance says the yard is stony. ~ Kenyan Proverb

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